The Jacksonville, Florida film festival director Elizabeth Lawrence and Ashley Mclaughlin were just about the coolest hosts ever. I can’t even begin to say how kind and thoughtful and generous they were to the visiting filmmakers. I have read that small film festivals can be rewarding because you have an opportunity to make friends. It was so true. First they invite us to this great place for dinner and we all get a chance to get to know one another and they refuse to let us filmmakers pay for anything. Since Melanie Shatzky lives in Canada we can be considered an international group of filmmakers and we felt very international – like royalty. This is how it started and it just kept getting better and better and the conversations flowed as we connected about filmmaking and photography.

First Daughter and the Black Snake was included in the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival with executive director Elizabeth Lawrence and producer Ashley McLaughlin (not pictured) and other guest directors Melanie Shatzky and Michael Galinsky and festival magic makers James Meadows and Warner Boutin.
Jacksonville was affected by Hurricane Erma and Ashley had been boiling water in preparation for our visit. Luckily the power was restored right before my arrival. I saw some of the damage but most of the focus was on the films and filmmakers. Melanie, Michael and I all stayed with Ashley and her boyfriend and so we had a chance to bond over morning coffee and late night film discussions. It was really special. For once the pace allowed for me to see the other filmmakers films and that deepened the connection for me. The small intimate size of the festival really made it special. Other festivals have not produced the real friendships that happened in Jacksonville. Thanks Elizabeth and Ashley!

Hurricane Irma hit Jacksonville

First Daughter and the Black Snake Director Keri Pickett

First Daughter and the Black Snake was included in the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival with executive director Elizabeth Lawrence and producer Ashley Mclaughlin.

First Daughter and the Black Snake was included in the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival with executive director Elizabeth Lawrence and producer Ashley Mclaughlin.

The 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival with executive director Elizabeth Lawrence and producer Ashley Mclaughlin

The 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival with executive director Elizabeth Lawrence and producer Ashley Mclaughlin

Director of All the Rage Michael Galinsky

Director of All the Rage Michael Galinsky

First Daughter and the Black Snake was included in the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival

The Theater was so beautiful and the seats were brand new.

The cool seats in the Sunray Theater.

First Daughter and the Black Snake was included in the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Documentary Film Festival

First Daughter and the Black Snake played at the Sunray Theater.